

We are a diverse team of policy experts, data wranglers, and storytellers passionate about driving change for a more just world.

Sara Harcourt

Team Sara Harcourt

Senior Policy Director, Development Finance

Sara leads ONE’s policy work in development finance, across official development assistance, domestic resource mobilization, debt, and other finance topics.

Miguel Haro Ruiz

Team Miguel

Data Analyst

Miguel supports ONE with data analysis and visualisation. Find Miguel on GitHub and Bluesky.

Micaela Iveson

Team Micaela Iveson

Policy and Projects Manager

Micaela manages the Aftershocks project, ensuring that it delivers timely, accurate, and slightly snarky analysis of Africa’s most pressing development issues.

Joseph Kraus

Team Joe Kraus

Senior Policy Director, Transparency and Accountability

Joe leads ONE’s efforts to promote good governance and accountability. In addition, he is the editor of the ONE Data & Analysis website and the Aftershocks newsletter, and provides strategic guidance on creative policy communications.

David McNair

Team David Mcnair

Executive Director, Global Policy

David is a non-resident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, sits on the European Council on Foreign Relations Council and is a founding executive board member of the Africa Europe Foundation.

Jenny Ottenhoff

Team Jenny Ottenhoff

Senior Policy Director, Global Health

Jenny leads ONE’s policy and resource mobilization efforts to address HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, and other disease threats.

Nupur Parikh

Team Nupur Parikh

Policy Officer, Health

Nupur supports ONE’s health policy portfolio.

Luca Picci

Team Luca Picci

Senior Data Analyst

Luca supports ONE’s policy and data work. Explore Luca’s work on his public profile.

Jorge Rivera

Team Jorge Rivera

Data Director

Jorge leads data at ONE, including the development of You can follow Jorge on Twitter or GitHub.

Kerezhi Sebany

Team Kerezhi Sebany

Associate Director, Development Finance and Multilateral Institutions

Kerezhi Sebany leads and coordinates ONE’s policy engagement with multilateral institutions and helps shape advocacy and campaigning efforts on development finance.