Report card – is the G7 meeting its promises to Africa?

The stakes are high for this week’s G7 Leaders’ Summit as the converging crises of climate, conflict, the pandemic and hunger threaten global stability and recovery. The ONE Campaign assesses how, and if, the G7 is keeping its promises.

The stakes are high for this week’s G7 Leaders’ Summit as the converging crises of climate, conflict, the pandemic and hunger threaten global stability and recovery. The world does not have the luxury of picking which crises to tackle – failing to address any of these interconnected challenges will be a failure to address them all, with devastating consequences for people everywhere.

There are no simple solutions to any of these crises individually or collectively. They are years and decades in the making and require governments to act decisively – not just to deliver the urgent steps to tackle the immediate crises but also to address the underlying and systemic problems that fuel them all.